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John Thompson
John Thompson

Liber Juratus The Sworn Book Of Honorius Pdf Downloadl !!EXCLUSIVE!!

The Sworn Book of Honorius (Latin: Liber juratus Honorii, also Liber sacer, sacratus or consecratus) is a medieval grimoire purportedly written by Honorius of Thebes. The Latin word "juratus", which is typically translated to "sworn", is intended to mean "oathbound". The book is one of the oldest existing medieval grimoires, as well as one of the most influential.

Liber Juratus The Sworn Book Of Honorius Pdf Downloadl


English. The only attempt at publishing any significant portion of the Englishtranslation was Daniel Driscoll's The Sworn Book ofHonourius (sic) the Magician, Heptangle Books,1977. Unfortunately, Driscoll did not make use of the bestmanuscripts, omitted large portions, misread and misplacedangelic names and words from the prayers, and otherwise tookserious liberties with the text. It is however a fine example ofthe book publisher's craft, and has become a valuablecollectable.

John Dee, in his MysticalExperiments, was originally told to use a version found inone of his books. Dee consulted several sources, and consultedthe angels to resolve the discrepancies. This prompted them todetail an almost totally new versionof the Sigillum Dei. One of Dee's sources was apparently Sl.313.Roberts and Watson, in their 1990 John Dee's LibraryCatalogue, pg. 168, identify Sloane 313 as being one ofDee's manuscripts. They give it catalog number DM70, andnote, "On fol.9 (originally the first leaf, fol.1-8 havingbeen misbound) is [Dee's ladder symbol] and, very faint,'Fragmentum Magicum', which may be in Dee's hand. Atthe foot is 'Sum Ben: Jonsonij liber'."


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